Little Simple Creatures - An A.I. children’s storybook, GAme and Youtube Content series created by Dall- E and me.
An exploration into book and content creation with the help of Artificial Intelligence. My son Jude turned 9 months, and he was already bored with his books, so we created our own. The First edition is called Not scared of the night. Below is a sample of the book if you would
like a copy you can purchase one here Scared-of-the-dark-little-simple-creatures
The book then became a Youtube Channel, with weekly lessons and stories starting off with Not Scared of the Night. Subscribe to the Youtube Channel today.
THE DALL-E AI performs like an illustrator that never sleeps, creating every frame with prompts inputted by the human - me.

The second book in the series focuses on ABCD. From Astronauts to Zebras - the AI again imagines fantastical worlds. Order your copy here

The Second Episode brings to life the pages of the book, each book has a QR code up front to read along.
Book 3 - WE explore 1234 - Buy the book Here

This is a trailer to the platformer game we created for numbers using game templates from GDevelop
This is how Little Simple Creatures are made using Dall-E from Open AI labs.